A favourite for maintaining healthy digestion and calming stressed or anxious horses
Brewers yeast is a natural by-product of the beer fermentation process and a firm favourite for horse owners. Ground into a fine power, it is packed with high levels ofcomplex B vitamins,mineralsandessential amino acids, all nutrients essential for keeping horses healthy and in particular, happy.
The benefits of feeding brewers yeast include:
- Full of amino acids which can helpmaintain a healthy gut flora. This is known tosupport hind-gut digestionof dry matter and fibre, and the absorption of essential nutrients
- Provides minerals such as copper and zinc, as well as a range of B vitamins essential in maintaininghealthy skin,coat condition,hoovesandeyes
- The combination of B vitamins and minerals is also known to help the nervous system,balancing behaviourswhich may be linked tostress,anxietyandmareishness
- Linked withimproving feed palatability, encouraging horses to finish the feed they are given
- Finally, brewers yeast is linked with soothing skin discomfort and itching after midge bites.
Omega Equine sources it’s brewers yeast from UK suppliers to ensure only the best, high quality ingredient. A natural by-product, this super powder is a powerful supplement, especially forhorses in hard work,lactating maresand those who areanxiousorstressed. Fed daily, it is well-recognised as a supplement favourite.
Feeding Guidelines:
Feed between 5g-10g per 100kg of body weight per day.